Yashica FX-2

  • Type: Yashica FX-2
  • Serial No: 71003798
  • Manufactured: from 1976
  • Manufacturer: Yashica
  • Shutter: Focal pane curtain 
  • Shutter speeds: B, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000
  • Lens: Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:17
  • Aperture: 1.7, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16
  • Lens Serial No: A20167514
  • Lens mount: Y/C
  • Last CLA: 01/2012
This quite underrated camera is a cheaper, mechanical and manual pair of the Contax RTS also made by Yashica. Big metal body, great ergonomics, no automation, fully manual shutter. Microprism in the center to help focusing, TTL metering with match needle. Simple, heavy, reliable. Not a beauty but not ugly either. A true workhorse. 

Yashica FX-2 / Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:1.7

Yashica FX-2

To be honest, the only reason I've bought one was the C/Y mount. Contaxes with C/Y mount are too electronic to my taste but I didn't want to forsake the possibility of using those famous Zeiss lenses. I ended up buying an almost new FX-2 with an f/1.7 Yashica lens and a jammed shutter. Getting it repaired, I wanted to try out the f/1.7 and ran a roll of film through it. It was a love for the first sight. I wasn't impressed of the performance of the Yasinon 45mm/1.7 of my Electro 35 GSN but this lens is a completely different story. This lens have soul.

Yashica FX-2 / Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:1.7

Yashica FX-2 / Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:1.7

 On 1.7 the depth of field is really narrow so focusing is not easy. Better to take multiple shots to have one perfectly focused. But this is not the weakness of the lens nor of the camera. Manual focusing with narrow depth of field is challenging. That's why we like it.

Yashica FX-2 / Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:1.7

Yashica FX-2 / Yashica Lens ML 50mm 1:1.7

So this is a big, heavy, fully manual camera which is easy to use. If you need something reliable: this is it. If you don't want to struggle with the "specialties" of an old camera but want to go analog: choose this one. Cheap. Great lenses. If I must say something against it, there is only one thing: the shutter is inexplicably loud. But that's it. Nothing else. I've tried it for night shots and it was very handy in the dark too. And the photos it took...






Shall I say more? Go and buy one.

(No links this time because this camera handles so evidently that there is no need for more information. Just get one and enjoy using it.)


  1. I just got one as a throw away on a garage sale, im wondering what equivalent battery type can be used for it in these days?

  2. Duracell 675 should do the trick. But a 625 also can be used.

  3. Nagyon szeretem ezt az ML 1.7-es obit. Tele van élettel a rajzolata.

  4. Get the FX-3, is the best of the FX serie and still very cheap!

    1. FX-3 has electronic shutter. I prefer mechanical so I'll stick to the FX-2.

    2. FX-3 hat einen mechanischen Verschluss!

  5. Just picked one up at a Thrift store for $10 with a matching f/1.9 lens. Already have an FX-3 which I love. It will be interesting to compare the two.

    1. Seems that you have an interesting project in your mind. Please let me know the result.

  6. i recently found one of these in my attic. i want to sell it but i really don't know how much they are worth. the camera per se is impeccable but the protector of case not so much. help me out?

  7. Check prices on ebay. It's a good starting point. Lens is very important price factor so compare yours with the ones having the same lens.

  8. Hi. I bought one new back in the seventies. It was my first "real" camera. I had a love hate relationship with that beast. It was quite hit or miss. I used to take a lot of concert shots in New Jersey in the eighties and got some beautiful images of Southside Johnny, who was really good practice since he was quite the moving target back then. Sometimes the film advance would jam and I'd get multiple images in one frame, which I disappointed me at first, but now seem pretty cool. Still have the camera (actually have two if you can believe it) but now use a Nikon D90 because, well that's what happens. Once in while though, I pick up the ol' FX2 and feel those analoque pangs of nostalgia. Cheers. Ed

    1. Hi Ed,

      If you have those photos of Southside Johnny scanned I'd like to include them here.

    2. Email me at EdtheKaz@gmail.com for the pics.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have an FX-2 in excellent shape, bought it new, used it a lot then forgot about it when I bought a Nikon digital in the 90's.
    My 8 year old grandson is interested in photography, takes very good photos with an older cell phone. I bought some Kodak Ultramax 400 film, and will get a new battery for the camera and start by shooting some Christmas lights in our neighborhood. I still have my darkroom equipment, so some B&W film will be next on the list to try out. Jed Hannan, Tehachapi CA

  11. I got one from someone selling it online, I'm still learning how to shoot film. For some reason today I pressed the button to take a shot and the view now is black. It did its usual black snap as it took but never returned to showing me what's in view. Does anyone know how to fix this???

  12. The mirror is stuck. You should take the camera to a camera repairman. It’s usually easy to fix.
